HDx Therapy Enabled by the Theranova Dialyser
One step closer to the natural kidney.1
Choosing the Theranova dialyser may help reduce hospitalisations, medication usage and cost of care compared to high-flux HD
- Up to 45% reduction in all-cause hospitalisations4
- Up to 4,772 USD lower cost per patient, with savings demonstrated in 96% of the 10,000 simulations in a probability analysis of mean cost difference4
- Randomised controlled trial of US haemodialysis patients
- Reduced erythropoietin resistance and ESA utilisation5-8
- Decreased dosing of supportive medications such as iron, insulin and anti-hypertensive medications6,7
- Multi-centre, observational study; retrospective analysis; and prospective, randomised, controlled, open-label studies
Patient-reported quality of life may improve using the Theranova dialyser compared to high-flux HD
- Improved effects and burden of kidney disease9
- Prospective, multi-centre, observational study
- Improved sleep quality, energy level, and general well-being10
- Single-centre, unblinded, exploratory pilot study
Up to 2.5 hours reduction in patient-reported dialysis recovery time11
Single-centre, retrospective analysis
Reduction in patient-reported pruritus12
Randomised, prospective, controlled, open-label study
Up to 55% reduction in patients meeting diagnostic criteria for restless leg syndrome (RLS)9
Prospective, multi-centre, observational study
Learn more
See how Vantive’s Theranova dialyser enables HDx therapy, delivering expanded haemodialysis.
Vantive, HDx, MCO and Theranova are trademarks of Vantive Health LLC or its affiliates.
Zweigart C, Boschetti-de-Fierro A, Hulko M, et al. Medium cut-off membranes — closer to the natural kidney removal function. Int J Artif Organs. 2017; 40(7):328-334.
Theranova Instructions for Use, 2021.
Kirsch AH, Lyko R, Nilsson LG, et al. Performance of hemodialysis with novel medium cut-off dialyzers [published correction appears in Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021 Jul 23;36(8):1555-1556]. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2017;32(1):165-172.
Blackowicz MJ, Falzon L, Beck W, Tran H, Weiner DE. Economic evaluation of expanded hemodialysis with the Theranova 400 dialyzer: A post hoc evaluation of a randomized clinical trial in the United States. Hemodial Int. 2022;26:449-455.
Hadad-Arrascue F, Nilsson LG, Rivera AS, Bernardo AA, Cabezuelo Romero JB. Expanded hemodialysis as effective alternative to on-line hemodiafiltration: A randomized mid-term clinical trial. Ther Apher Dial. 2022;26(1):37-44.
Ariza JG, Walton SM, Suarez AM, Sanabria M, Vesga JI. An initial evaluation of expanded hemodialysis on hospitalizations, drug utilization, costs, and patient utility in Colombia. Ther Apher Dial. 2021;25(5):621-627.
Sanabria RM, Hutchison CA, Vesga, JI, Ariza JG, Sanchez R, Suarez AM. Expanded hemodialysis and its effects on hospitalizations and medication usage: A cohort study. Nephron. 2021;145(2):179-187.
Lim JH, Jeon Y, Yook JM, et al. Medium cut-off dialyzer improves erythropoiesis stimulating agent resistance in a hepcidin-independent manner in maintenance hemodialysis patients: results from a randomized controlled trial. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):1-10.
Alarcon JC, Bunch A, Ardila F, et al. Impact of medium cut-off dialyzers on patient-reported outcomes: COREXH Registry. Blood Purif. 2021;50(1):110–118.
Penny JD, Jarosz P, Salerno FR, Lemoine S, McIntyre CW. Impact of expanded hemodialysis using medium cut-off dialyzer on quality of life: Application of dynamic patient-reported outcome measurement tool. Kidney Med. 2021;3(6):992-1002.e1.
Bolton S, Gair R, Nilsson LG, Matthews M, Stewart L, McCullagh N. Clinical assessment of dialysis recovery time and symptom burden: Impact of switching hemodialysis therapy mode. Patient Relat Outcome Meas. 2021;12:315-321.
Lim JH, Park Y, Yook JM, et al. Randomized controlled trial of medium cut-off versus high-flux dialyzers on quality of life outcomes in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):1-11.