AK 98 Dialysis Machine
The AK 98 dialysis machine is designed to be an optimal platform for chronic dialysis, skilled nursing and hospital care environments.
Concentrate standby mode uses zero concentrate, which potentially translates to savings in your unit.1,2
High-precision ceramic concentrate pumps and electromagnetic flow meters mean no pH probe needed and no moving parts to calculate flow rate.3
Preventative maintenance is only required every other year.2
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Bring simplicity and reliability to your practice with the AK 98 dialysis machine.
*The AK 98 dialysis machine and shelf extension kit are sold separately. Mar Cor WRO 300 H portable RO system and PTG-520 carbon block sold separately by Evoqua Water Technologies.
Vantive, AK 98, CleanCart, Polyflux and Theranova are trademarks of Vantive Health LLC or its affiliates.
Vantive Health LLC. Data on file. AK 98 Cost Savings
AK 98 Operators Manual
Vantive Health LLC. Data on file. PDO approval of AK 98 innovative design claim.
Vantive Health LLC. Data on file. AK 98 Connectivity Integration Guide.
Vantive Health LLC. Data on file. AK 98 Size Comparison.Approximate weight and dimensions of the AK 98 shelf extension kit.
National Kidney Foundation. KDOQI clinical practice guideline for hemodialysis adequacy: 2015 update [published correction appears in Am J Kidney Dis. 2016 Mar;67(3):534]. Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;66(5):884-930.
Held PJ, Port FK, Wolfe RA, et al. The dose of hemodialysis and patient mortality. Kidney Int. 1996;50(2):550-556.
Tattersall J, Martin-Malo A, Pedrini L, et al. EBPG guideline on dialysis strategies. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2007;22(Suppl 2):ii5-ii21.
Pancírová J. EDTNA/ERCA Journal. 2001;XXVII3:123-124.